Bug List

1. Moving items around on my calendar app takes way more time/clicks than it should

Why: The app tries to make adding new events easy, but that makes editing/moving previously made events much more difficult. While you would assume you could highlight all events and move them around, when you try to do that it creates new events instead.

2. When people fill out Contact Cards but leave basic information out. For example, writing only their house number and street and leave out their city and state.

Why: People probably read the card quickly and try to get it filled out quickly so they unintentionally skip over necessary information

3. People who walk extremely slowly and fill up the whole sidewalk so I can't walk around them

Why: People walk at different speeds and want to talk to their friends while they walk, so they tend to slow down. They also aren't really concerned with who is walking behind them.

4. When people who order food/drink after me at a restaurant/coffee shop get their orders first

Why: Some items take longer to prepare, so while one worker is making my items another can make the next person's items quicker.

5. When people accuse me of things I didn't do

Why: People may believe something happened based on what they know/saw even if it isn't the truth

6. When people exaggerate a story beyond what really happened

Why: People like to be funny/tell entertaining stories, so they will stretch the truth to make the story seem crazier and more fun to listen to

7. When my headphones won't switch between devices the way they are supposed to

Why: Technology is unreliable (especially earlier models) so tiny kinks like that can occur very often

8. When my phone dies when it says it still has 5% battery left

Why: Older batteries deteriorate over time and aren't as efficient as they are when they're newer.

9. The system NFL/CFB has for measuring first downs

Why: The chains are tradition and have been the standard for decades

10. When umpires call pitches outside the strike zone strikes

Why: They are human beings and make mistakes on occasion

11. When balls caught in the NFL are considered incomplete and vice versa

Why: The rules are very ambiguous and leave the determination up to the referee's discretion

12. Soccer players who fake injuries

Why: They are trying to give their team a chance to take breath and allow the clock to tick more

13. Athletes can't wear whatever cleats they want

Why: The leagues want to keep uniformity and prevent player from putting anything controversial on their cleats that could hurt the leagues

14. When people don’t put on their turn signal when they are turning so I have to wait for them even though I didn’t have to

Why: When there is nobody driving behind them, people think they don't have to signal since there is nobody behind them to signal to.

15. When people use words when they don’t know the definition

Why: People like to sound smart or may believe they know the definition of a word when they're wrong

16. When speed limits are too slow for the road (for example Archer Road being 20 MPH at some points)

Why: The city is trying to keep roads safer to prevent accidents

17. When people get angry at those with differing opinions yet don’t allow the opportunity for civil discourse

Why: When people have firm beliefs they tend to not give opposing view points a chance to rationally explain their side.

18. When assignments are due at 8 am as opposed to at night

Why: Professors probably like to grade assignments during the day as opposed to late at night.

19. When I miss the light at 13th and 2nd and have to wait 3 minutes for it to change.

Why: That road is very crowded so they leave the light going north/south on green longer so drivers don't have to wait.

20. When I’m stuck in the right lane on University Ave behind a bus that stops every 100 feet.

Why: There are a lot of bus stops on that road to help students/professors get around campus easier.

This assignment wasn't too difficult for me. There are plenty of little things in life that bother me beyond belief. However, there were two aspects I somewhat struggled with. The first was trying to remember my annoyances. Throughout the day, I know for a fact I come across 10s if not 100s of little annoyances. However, oftentimes I forget about them right away. To do this assignment, I had to think back and retrace my steps to remember what little things bothered me in the previous few days. Secondly, I wanted to choose bugs that were at least somewhat legitimate so people could understand my thinking. There are tiny things that are very annoying to me, but other people may not see them that way, or I may not be able to completely express why they are bothersome to me. So, I tried to avoid choosing bugs that I wouldn't be able to explain. Overall, I liked this assignment, and I actually shared it with some of my friends who I knew would also find it interesting.


  1. Hey Grant! I can relate to a lot of bugs on your list. This activity taught me that we all have more annoyances in common than we think, even if they are just little things. For example, the calendar app drives me up a wall sometimes too - I thought I was the only one who thought that. The creators definitely made the app more difficult than it needs to be. Also, I agree with finding “legitimate bugs” because I struggled with this assignment when explaining why my bugs existed. It’s a lot harder to explain and identify why it exists and why it’s bothersome, rather than just saying “because it is.” It was interesting to read your list and you explained all your bugs really well – good job!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Grant! Great list! I agree with many of your points! Your points 15-17 truly hit home the most! I hate the obnoxiously low speed limits, when people do not try to have an intelligent conversation, and when people try to use words they don't know. I truly enjoyed reading your list! I look forward to reading more in the future.


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