Your Exit Strategy

I think my exit strategy would be to sell my company to a previously established foodservice company such as College Chefs. I would spend the next few years building up my presence in the elementary school market before transitioning to middle and high schools. While I had planned to then move on into the college market, I think at that point one of my potential competitors would rather just buy me out. I think that would be my best option, as that would allow me to move on to other projects. I think this strategy does affect my plans to grow the company. If I know I am intending to move on once I get a big enough hold on the market, I will be willing to take more long term risks since I won't be around to deal with the fallout in the long-run. However, I wouldn't be reckless about it, and would be transparent about my intentions and my actions throughout my time working with the company,


  1. Hi!
    Your exit strategy is very similar to my own because I also plan on selling my business. I also would want to sell so that I can move on to other projects. I like that your exit strategy isn't going to impact your growth strategy, and if anything will allow you to take more long term risks since you aren't planning on sticking around. Nice post and you have everything that is needed!

  2. Hey Grant! Like you, I am also looking to sell my business as my exit strategy. I viewed my business concept as a starting point because there are other things that I want to achieve and do in my life. It’s important to take risks as a company because sometimes they lead to great things, so I like how you’ll be transparent towards your employees with your decisions. Good job!

  3. Hey Grant,

    I am similar to you in the fact that we both are looking to sell our businesses as an exit strategy a few years down the road. I also agree that weighing your options once you get to that point is a part strategy, as you don't want to be too risky and ruin all the hard work you have done up until that point. Being transparent and honest is always a good thing to do, and will pay dividends in the long run in terms of relationships with employees.

  4. Hello Grant,
    After reading your post about your exit strategy, it is different o mine because I would like to keep my business for the long run. I can understand why you would like to sell your company in the future, but what if you become larger than your competitors, would you be willing to keep your company and buy them out?

  5. Hey Grant!

    I really found your post to be extremely profound. My exit strategy is rooted in a somewhat similar philosophy, but I intend to just stay local in Flagler and Volusia counties and maybe expand to some other parts of central Florida. However, we do have different businesses, so this would all factor into the exit strategies that we created. Anyways, great post! I enjoyed reading it.

    Best regards,

    Matthew Mrnacaj


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