16A –What’s Your Secret Sauce?

Five Ways in Which I Have Human Capital:

1. Discipline: I believe I am a very disciplined person and have the ability to stop or start something as needed.
2. Hardworking: When I put my mind to something I will work as much as I can to make sure that goal is accomplished.
3. Dedication: When I dedicate to something in my head, I stick with it. I won't give up on that thing even during the low points.
4. Trustworthiness: If someone relies on me to do something, they can be assured that I will do it no matter what.
5. Open: I am open with my thoughts on most issues. I won't keep something to myself if I feel it is necessary for others to hear it.

Interviews: (After clicking link select Open with Music Player to listen)

1. Jeana


Jeana believes I care about the work I put in to everything I work on. She refers to how I always help out with video projects and I make sure that everything gets done.

2. Ben


Ben appreciated my organizational skills and making sure that I always write things down. He always liked my ability to turn a creative idea into something tangible.

3. Tyler


Tyler says that I always strive to put forward my best effort. He also liked that I am always willing to vounteer my time to others.

4. Jordan


Jordan likes that I care a lot about the things I do. He said that I always take charge of the changes I want to see made.

5. Edgar


Edgar also appreciated my organizational skills and that I am the first one there and the last one to leave. He also liked that I don't back down from challenges.

I think these interviews ended up with similar results to what I was expecting. All of them mentioned something about me putting my all into something, which I agree with. I concur with most everything they said. The one part I slightly questioned was that two of them mentioned my organizational skills. I personally believe they aren't bad but aren't amazing, but at times I do pride myself on my organization so I understand why they thought that.


  1. Grant,

    I think you were pretty accurate in predicting how people view you. This is rare honestly, as usually our perceptions of ourselves are skewed and others think differently of us. Another interesting point you made was being surprised they thought you had great organizational skills. Ofter we underestimate ourselves and don't think we are good at something when in reality, we are.

  2. Hello Grant,

    You mentioning about your organizational skills reminds me of something I had learned recently about creativity. Many think of creativity as being "artsy", which I am definitely not. However, I do think situations from many angles which could be considered creative problem-solving. Perhaps for your organizational skills, you see organizational skills as being tidy but maybe the organizational skills they are mentioning are about your organization of thoughts. Just some food for thought!


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