Reading Reflection No.1

1) You read about an entrepreneur:
  • What surprised you the most?
    • What surprised me the most was how large a role he played at PIXAR. I always knew he was involved, but didn't realize the extent of it.
  • What about the entrepreneur did you most admire?
    • I admire his minimalist style. He likes to make everything as effective and powerful as possible in the simplest way possible.
  • What about the entrepreneur did you least admire?
    • I don't like that he was so opposed to allowing for changes or upgrades to products he made.
  • Did the entrepreneur encounter adversity and failure? If so, what did they do about it?
    • He encountered adversity when he was forced out of the company he founded. He overcame it by working his way back in and saving them.
2) What competencies did you notice that the entrepreneur exhibited? 
He exhibited obsessive attention to detail. He was very meticulous about everything that he did and created.
3) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
I was confused about why it didn't talk very much about his wife and kids. You would think that would be a significant part of his life that we as the readers would want to know more about.
4) If you were able to ask two questions to the entrepreneur, what would you ask? Why?
I would ask him why he was so opposed to open architecture technology and what he would consider to be the perfect computer.
5) For fun: what do you think the entrepreneur's opinion was of hard work? Do you share that opinion?
I think he was extremely passionate about working hard. It seemed like it was almost a fault that he worked so hard that it took away from other aspects of his life. I also believe in hard work but not the point where it isolates you from the rest fo your life.


  1. Hey Grant,

    I'm assuming you read the Steve Jobs biography based off the comments you made about 'his role in Pixar." This was also the thing I found most surprising. According to the book, Jobs made a $5 million investment in Pixar, giving him 80% of the company and most of his wealth when their stock skyrocketed. I also believe Jobs was extremely passionate about working hard, like all famous and wealthy entrepreneurs probably are.

  2. Hey Grant!

    I personally didn’t read the Steve Jobs autobiography, but I always did look up to him as an entrepreneur. Like you, I also admire his minimalistic style and approach to complex problems in computing and design. He persisted through the worst times. He separated himself among competitors who were established by having a great work ethic. Overall, he is a very respectable person who embodied the skills and character traits of an entrepreneur.

    Good choice!

    Matthew Mrnacaj


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